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Category Archives: Allgemein @en

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Christmas Motto 2021

“Blessed are you…” – We have taken this promise from the Gospel to heart this year. We were able to experience that wherever we share our lives with one another and where we commit ourselves to the poor and troubled in our surroundings, a piece of heaven already becomes tangible. One could also say that whenever we have this experience, we are experiencing a „Christmas“: heaven and earth are coming together. God became human in Jesus so that we can understand our own humanity more deeply. In all the worries and hardships that do not stop at ourselves, we are invited to reach out to heaven and be messengers of hope. Let us take the experience of this year with us into the new year. I am sure: Then we will all – you and I – be a blessing. The world needs this promise: “Blessed are you…”

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

Jakob Ohm

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Monthly Motto June 2020

Annual Motto 2021: Blessed are you!

Bible verse for June 2021: 3st verse of the song

“Blessed are you if you see the pain”


“How are you?” is a question we often ask during spontaneous encounters in our everyday lives. Probably very few people expect a truly honest answer. But how do you react when the other person actually says that he or she is “not well”? Probably all of us know the fear of not being able to respond correctly when someone pours out his or her heart to us. But what if we didn’t just leave it at small talk? That would also apply to ourselves: to be able to openly say how we really feel. What would it be like to live in a community in which we are also allowed to say what burdens us and depresses our souls?

Let’s try to take a step in this direction in the next few weeks and notice when someone has hopelessness and worries written all over their face. It does not need big words and wise advice. Most of the time, an open ear and an attitude that makes the other person feel “I am with you, you are not alone!” helps. Then we no longer stop at empty phrases, but we feel how friendship and humanity grow. And perhaps we will also see, especially now after Pentecost, how the Spirit of God works among us…“

Jakob Ohm

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Monthly Motto March 2020

Annual Motto 2021: Blessed are you!

Bible verse for March 2021: 1st verse of the song

” Blessed are you, when you carry loads”


Before the Corona pandemic, they were usually crowded: Fitness Gyms. The dream of the perfect body has so much appeal that many people voluntarily lift heavy weights. The recipe for training success there is: a lot helps a lot. The more I train, the heavier the weights I can carry.

But there are also weights that are so heavy on your shoulders that you are in danger of collapsing under them. Especially now, loneliness and isolation often seem like a coat of iron that holds down the joy of life. How much more must the people who were already excluded before the pandemic because of their poverty, age or disability feel this burden? Here, too, there is a “training” that maybe  does not remove the burdens but makes them more bearable: if we practise seeing the invisible burdens of our fellow human beings and sincerely share our time and interest with them, the weights do not disappear, but they no longer crush. We Christians call this attitude “solidarity”. It releases an umimagined power to change the world for the better. How wonderful it is to trust that Jesus knows our burdens and says to us: “If you carry each other’s heavy loads, my kingdom begins with you today!“

Jakob Ohm